Rhinomx is an Australian company that designs and manufactures unique off road motorbike products. Since its inception in 2011, Rhinomx has quickly established itself as an innovative and design focused business developing the Seal Doctor, Mud Blade and Mud Boss wash in its first year of operation.
Our company objectives are very straightforward. Identify dirtbike maintenance problems and provide solutions. The products we develop must be simple to use, robust, cost effective and make maintaining a motorbike easy.
Our designers have been involved with motocross, trials, enduro and speedway racing at various times over the last 30 years. In the last four years we have been competing on the motocross circuit on a national, state and club level. This experience led us to the development of our first product the Seal Doctor, which was launched in July 2011.
Rhinomx products are distributed through A1 Accessory Imports and Ballards Offroad in Australia and Risk Racing in America and Europe.